Also this year, a cycle of seminars on new technologies, Artificial Intelligence and law, coordinated by Prof. Ugo Ruffolo, will be held as part of the School of Law and the School of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna.
On 3 April 2024 Prof. Ruffolo will hold a conference on the subject of "rights in platforms" organised by La Sapienza University of Rome - Department of Legal and Economic Studies. The event will constitute a qualified opportunity to discuss the profiles, both public and civil law, of the dialectic between the rights and duties of platforms and users, also with regard to the evolution of European legislation.
The issue concerning the validity of an interest clause in a banking contract, which, in determining the interest rate per relationem, makes the Euribor rate applicable, has reached the Supreme Court. However, the Euribor rate was manipulated as a result of a restrictive agreement between some of the most important international banks, which had already been sanctioned by the European Commission in December 2013.
With two recent rulings, the Court of Cassation has once again addressed the issue of liability for infections arising in a hospital setting, examining, on the one hand, the characteristics of the exculpatory evidence capable of exempting the healthcare facility from liability and, on the other, the relevance of the adoption of different mechanisms for preventing infectious risk.
On Wednesday, November 22, 2023, the third meeting of the permanent seminar cycle on Intelligent Machines and Law will be held, chaired by Prof. Ugo Ruffolo in the Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome and dealing with the multiple issues of legal mediation related to the use of new technologies and Artificial Intelligence.
On November 16, 2023, Prof. Ruffolo will participate as a speaker at the Conference entitled “Artificial Intelligence, Medical Devices and Law” organized by the State Attorney General's Office.
On October 30 , 2023, Prof. Ruffolo will participate as a speaker at the Conference “Artificial Intelligence, Law and Business: a Revolution in the Planet of Rules”, to be held at the Bologna Business School.
The Supreme Court retraces its steps, affirming the illegitimacy of supervening usury, which can be configured in the case of interest agreed as lower than the usury threshold rate, but which has become higher than it during the course of the relationship.
Machina et Inventio: The Law and Creativity of Generative AI - 25 October 2023 - Permanent Seminar on Intelligent Machines and Law - Luiss Guido Carli University
The book “I diritti nelle piattaforme” (“Rights in Platforms”) by Prof. Cesare Pinelli and Prof. Ugo Ruffolo, published by Giappichelli, is now available.
On Wednesday, September 27, 2023, the first of a series of seminar meetings chaired by Prof. Ugo Ruffolo will be held at the Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome, during which the many issues of legal mediation related to the use of new technologies and Artificial Intelligence will be discussed.
Also this year, a cycle of seminars on new technologies, Artificial Intelligence and law, coordinated by Prof. Ugo Ruffolo, will be held as part of the School of Law and the School of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna.
On 28 March 2023, Prof. Ruffolo will participate as a speaker at the conference “Class action and collective injunctions, between theory and application practice” organized by the University of Bari Aldo Moro with the patronage of the Order of Bari lawyers.
On 28 March 2023, Prof. Ruffolo will participate as a speaker at the conference “Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in medical device software”, which will be held at the University of Bari Aldo Moro.
On 27 March 2022, Prof. Ugo Ruffolo will participate as a speaker at the conference "Metaverse 'New frontier to face", organized by the University of Bari Aldo Moro with the Dipartimento Jonico degli Studi Giuridici ed Economici del Mediterraneo Società Ambiente e Culture, where the event will take place.
The Italian Council of Ministers has approved, as a preliminary step, the Legislative Decree transposing Directive (EU) 2020/1828 “on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers”, aimed at harmonizing the level of protection granted to consumer in the European context, as well as at avoiding the abuse of litigation.
Issue no. 10/2022 of the scientific review Giurisprudenza Italiana hosts an extensive monographic section on “Vaccinations: rights, duties and responsibilities”, edited by Prof. Ugo Ruffolo and Prof. Enrico Gabrielli.
Also this fall, a cycle of seminars on new technologies, Artificial Intelligence and law, coordinated by Prof. Ugo Ruffolo, will be held as part of the School of Law and the School of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna.
On May 27, 2022, Prof. Ugo Ruffolo will participate as a speaker to the International Conference on “Fake news and truthful information – An issue at the crossroad of freedom, liability and take-down powers of providers of online platforms”, organized by the University of Bologna.
Also this year, in the months of October, November and December 2021, a cycle of seminars on "Artificial Intelligence and Law" will be held ib Bologna, organized by the School of Law and the Higher School of Legal Studies of Bologna and coordinated by Prof. Ruffolo. The first seminar will be held on October 7, 2021, from 3pm to 5pm.
By its recent decision no. 24641 of September 13, 2021, the Italian Court of Cassation again dwelled on the debated question relating to the right of the customer of a banking institution to obtain, in court, the exhibition of a copy of the documents relating to single transactions carried out, including account statements, also pursuant to Article 119 of the Italian Testo Unico Bancario (T.U.B.), as well as Article 210 of the Italian Code of Civil Procedure.
The new book "XXVI lezioni di Diritto dell'Intelligenza Artificiale", edited by Prof. Ruffolo and published by Giappichelli, is now available.
On 16 June 2021, a webinar with the participation of Prof. Ruffolo will be held, dedicated to the topic “Class action and collective injunctions: the new rules”, and organized by the Milan Bar Association.
On 8 June 2021, Prof. Ruffolo will participate as a speaker at the webinar organised by Prof. Monica Palmirani (CIRSFID - Alma-AI University of Bologna), which will be dedicated to the topic “AI and Regulation”.
On 13 May 2021, Prof. Ruffolo will participate as a speaker in the webinar dedicated to the topic “Business Law and New Technologies”, organized by the Luiss School of Law within the Research Center Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Infrastructures and Life Sciences (BILL).
On 19 and 20 April 2021, it will be held the conference entitled “AI Anthology: Legal, Economic and Social Profiles of Artificial Intelligence”, organised by the CESIFIN Foundation Alberto Predieri, with the partnership of the Data Protection Authority.
Issue no. 2/2021 of the journal Giurisprudenza Italiana hosts a monographic section on medical liability, edited by Prof. Enrico Gabrielli and Prof. Ugo Ruffolo.
Italian rules on class actions and collective inhibitory actions have been revolutionized by a reform (law no. 31/2019) whose entry into force, following several postponements, is now scheduled for May 2021.
By decision no. 1914 of January 28, 2021, the United Sections of the Supreme Court of Cassation have once again found that disputes between companies operating in the organic sector and the monitoring bodies authorized by the Ministry to issue the necessary certifications and to carry out the related control activities fall under the jurisdiction of the ordinary judge, and not the administrative one.
On September 21, 2020 Prof. Ruffolo will take part as a speaker at the webinar organized by UPA - Utenti Pubblicità Associati, titled “Per niente artificiale. A.I. e nuove frontiere per il business e la comunicazione”.
The book “Intelligenza Artificiale – Il diritto, i diritti, l’etica”, edited by Prof. Ruffolo and published by Giuffrè Francis-Lefebvre, is now available.
As in China, Singapore and South Korea, a contact tracing app is also being developed in Italy. The app will be able, during the so-called "Phase 2" of the health emergency, to monitor the individual's contacts with infected subjects, based on the recording of the position of the individual’s smartphone with respect to other devices.
The Firm, while complying with the provisions aimed at containing the Covid-19 infection, is fully operational and continues to offer assistance to its customers.
The ongoing Covid-19 emergency and the adoption of measures for its containment face companies with serious problems in the management of their contractual relationships, affecting the ability of the parties to perform or receive the related obligations.
The current state of emergency relating to the spread of Covid-19 (“Coronavirus”), also following the measures adopted by the Government to contain the spread of contagion, places businesses, but also individual citizens, in the face of new problems, also of a legal nature
The European Patent Office (EPO) has recently refused two patent applications in which an Artificial Intelligence system was designated as the -inventor-.
The implementation of various forms of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare is constantly growing, expanding from automated diagnostics, especially as far as radiology is concerned, to the “robo-surgeon” and “smart” prostheses.
By their decision no. 9678 of April 5, 2019, the Joint Sections of the Italian Court of Cassation clarified that the disputes between businesses operating in the field of organic products and subjects charged with issuing all necessary certifications and with the relevant control activity fall within the scope of the ordinary judge’s jurisdiction, as opposed to administrative courts.
The latest issue of the Italian law review “Giurisprudenza Italiana” (issue no. 7/2019) features a vast monographic section on the topic of “Artificial Intelligence and law”, edited by Prof. Ruffolo and Prof. Enrico Gabrielli (University of Rome - Tor Vergata).
On September 23, 2019 Professor Ruffolo is going to speak at the Convention and Round Table dedicated to the topic “Innovation in healthcare: the role of Artificial Intelligence”, organized by the University of Bari. Several others authoritative experts of the field are going to take part to the event, including physicians, engineers and entrepreneurs.
On May 24, 2019 Prof. Ruffolo spoke at the National Convention dedicated to the topics of “Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostic Imaging”, organized by the Italian Society of Medical Radiology. In particular, Prof. Ruffolo’s speech concerned the complex legal and ethical issues derived from the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in diagnostics, with specific regard to the questions of liability for physicians, hospitals and manufacturers of medical devices.
On April 3, 2019 the Italian Senate definitively approved bill of law S.844, aiming at a radical reform of class actions.
The volume “Intelligenza Artificiale e responsabilità” (“Artificial Intelligence and liability”), authored and edited by Prof. Ruffolo, published by Giuffrè, is going to be presented during the seminar that will be held on April 10, 2019 at the School of Engineering of the University of Bologna. Prof. Ruffolo will take part in the seminar, with a speech on liability related to the creation, manufacturing and circulation of automated vehicles.
On March 2019 Prof. Ruffolo will give a speech at the seminar which will be held at the University of Pavia, on the topic “Artificial Intelligence, medical liability and product liability”.
The volume edited by Prof. Ruffolo on “La nuova responsabilità medica” (“The new medical liability”), published by Giuffré Francis Lefebvre, is now available. The book collects several contributions by different authors, almost all of which are professors of Ph.Ds., cooperating to the professional and scientific activity of the Firm, except for an authoritative external voice (M. Costanza).
The Firm provides assistance to national and foreign businesses, private and public, as well as to professional, in the management of the compliance with the new EU Regulation.
The volume “Intelligenza Artificiale e responsabilità”, edited by Prof. Ruffolo, is a collection of essays by legal experts and scholars on the topics of the new possible forms of liability connected to the implementation of Artificial Intelligence.
For the first time the Court of Cassation ruled on the new law on medical malpractice.
On December 20, 2017 the Ministry of Health published the new Guidelines on advertising of medical devices, updating and integrating the previous guidelines of March 2013.
The Convention aims at assessing the relationship between the law and Artificial Intelligence, with specific regard to self-learning machines and advanced robotics and the relevant issues of liability.
On November 9, 2017 Prof. Ruffolo will take part in a round table organized by the Civil Chamber of Milan dedicated to the topic of pecuniary compensation, with specific regard to the developments followed to the Supreme Court’s decision of July 2017.
On July 19 and 26, 2017 Prof. Ruffolo has been heard by the Senate’s joint Commissions on Justice and Industry, Trade and Tourism in the context of the examination of the bill of law for the reform of class actions and collective proceedings.
Liability from medical malpractice has been deeply changed by a law that will enter into force in March 2017.
The Convention will deal with the issues related to the protection of the individual’s right of access to the internet.